Law Of Attraction Workshops In March

Learn how to use the Law Of Attraction to manifest your reality through Creative Visualization and Scripting

Law Of Attraction Workshop Series

Unity Somerville has teamed up with Mindset and Manifestation Coach, Ray Torres to help you manifest great things this year! Are you ready to unlock the power of your mind and create the life you've always dreamed of? Whether you’re looking for greater health, wealth, love, or overall fulfillment, we want to help make that a reality.

March 12, 2025 7 - 9 PM

Creative Visualization Workshop

Transform Your Life with "Creative Visualization!"

Join us at Unity Somerville for a transformational class that will teach you how to harness the power of imagination, thought, and intention to bring your goals to life...

What You’ll Learn:

✔ Simple visualization exercises to clarify and focus your desires

✔ How to use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious for success 

✔ Techniques to overcome limiting beliefs and tap into your infinite potential

✔ The art of letting go and trusting the process

Date: March 12th, 2025
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM
Location: Unity Somerville,
6 William St. Somerville, MA
Cost: $20 Recommended Love Offering

March 26, 2025 7 - 9 PM

The Power Of Scripting Workshop

Write Your Dream Life into Reality with "The Power of Scripting!"

What if you could design the life you’ve always wanted – simply by putting pen to paper? Scripting is a powerful, proven method to manifest your goals and desires by writing them into existence. Inspired by Royce Christyn’s groundbreaking book Scripting the Life You Want, this class will teach you how to tap into the magic of intention and transform your life story.

What You’ll Learn:

✔ How to script your dreams in vivid, compelling detail

✔ The secret to aligning your subconscious mind with your goals 

✔ Techniques to overcome self-doubt and unlock limitless possibilities:

✔ Real-life examples of how scripting has helped others achieve success, happiness, and fulfillment

Date: March 26th, 2025
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM
Location: Unity Somerville,
6 William St. Somerville, MA
Cost: $20 Recommended Love Offering

Meet the Speaker

Ray Torres has studied and taught the Law of Attraction for more than 15 years. Even holding bi-monthly meetings at various locations with those wanting to master the art of Conscious Creating!

Learning About The Law Of Attraction: Being inspired by the teaching of Abraham Hicks, Ray learned how he was able to attract the many successes in his life. He then set out to master the elements of manifestation, carefully testing different techniques and showing others how they could create their own successes. 

Learning About Law Of Assumption: Finding the teaching of Neville Goddard put an entirely different spin to manifesting. This idea that the things we assume become our reality was literally life-changing. This line of New Thought thinking brought about a slew of other techniques to make it easier to manifest.

Taking A Different Approach To Manifesting: In these workshops, Ray teaches you how to manifest by creating a different version of yourself. We must Be before we can have, and we do this by designing a new self Image or self concept. 

About Unity Somerville

Unity Somerville's Vision Statement is Centered in Divine Love, we boldly unite the world by raising our spiritual consciousness so that all beings can thrive in universal peace.
Our Mission is to be a spiritual resource center offering outreach to all generations through meditation, classes, special events and by hosting positive-minded community groups. We share our message via weekly services; traditional, social and economic media; and our bookstore.
Our core values are Welcoming, Supportive, Inclusive, Guiding
and Growing in ConsciousnessThe Holy Body is based on 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” This part of the program focuses on helping with weight loss through natural and holistic practices. This practice combines spiritual and physical work that helps users improve their bodies without any changes.

To learn more about about Unity Somerville please visit:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any prior experience with manifestation to attend this workshop?

What materials should I bring to the workshop?

Will we be doing any hands-on exercises during the session?

Will there be any follow-up resources or homework after the workshop?

Do I need to believe in the Law of Attraction for this to work?

Is there a recommended daily practice after attending the workshop?

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